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Half Moon Bay, CA
, California
Last Modified August 7, 2024
View 46 Photos

Half Moon Bay, CA
, California

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$26,999.00 OBO

Clean Title in hand.

My Airstream was fully rennovated by the owner I purchased from who was a contractor.

All plumbing and electrical was completely replaced and many additions made.

I have been using her for the last three years and sadly have to let her go as moving and no way to take with me.

I am including may additional extras, including:

1. Generator as pictured.
2. Commercial water pump and hoses.
3. Ramps.
4. Septic holder never used.
5. Any furniture inside or kitechen ware anyone would like.
6. Mr. Heater and propane tank, central air and AC work perfectly. However all I needed was Mr. Heater and my fuel cost has been about $0.65 per day !

In addition the set up to be off grid and self reliant about 4 hours and you are good to go.

PM a telephone number and will call you from 1-408-32 ….. Again no is it available messages.

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